Cultivate friendships to bring out the best in you
For a myriad of reasons our friendships shift on an ongoing basis throughout life. Many changes occur in stride, others are more conscious. Friendships can become stale or lose their zest. Occasionally you may want to assess your friendships. If you feel a lack perhaps it is time to cultivate something new to more accurately reflect who you are today.
If stagnant or drifting relationships, from a shift in life’s events, cannot be reinvigorated then pursue other friendships. Look for individuals that have common interests or where there is a matching intellectual or emotional depth. Pursue individuals that can have a positive influence on you. Associates through work, athletic pursuits, or other connecting threads may be of a friendly nature but acquaintances may or may not be friendship material. Those associates are a good place to start to cultivate new friendships. The extra effort involved in reconnecting with old friends or scheduling time with some one new can be well worth the investment.
Good friends are accepting of your differences and leave you feeling better for having spent time together. Two colleagues of mine, Brian and David, went golfing together. I recall hearing about the game afterwards where Brian stated “I like who I am when I’m with him”. Look for friendships where you are left feeling stronger at ease, relaxed, inspired, or perhaps just more content. Most importantly – Do you like who you are when you are with them.